What is compliance?
"Compliance" means adhering to rules and laws. The KIRCHHOFF Ecotec Compliance Organisation helps to explain rules, adhere to them in everyday life and monitor them. This enables us to minimise potential risks.
THINKING and ACTING responsibly
Guiding principle of the KIRCHHOFF GROUP
"The Employees of the KIRCHHOFF Group undertake to always act in accordance with the applicable national and international guidelines and conventions on business ethics and social responsibility."
Code of Conduct
Grundlage dieses Verhaltenskodex sind die Unternehmenswerte der KIRCHHOFF Ecotec SE, die die Basis unserer Kultur bilden. Die Werte beeinflussen unser tägliches Verhalten.
This Code of Conduct is a more specific addition to this.
The Code of Conduct does not claim to be exhaustive. This means that there will always be a number of situations in which the guidelines are not sufficient and in which employees must rely on values and common sense or seek advice.
Dieser Verhaltenskodex gilt für die KIRCHHOFF Ecotec SE und die Unternehmen der KIRCHHOFF FAUN Gruppe und ZOELLER Gruppe und bildet ein Dach für alle weiteren KIRCHHOFF Ecotec-Richtlinien. Die Kirchhoff Ecotec erwartet von allen Mitarbeitern auf allen Ebenen und von allen, die im Namen von KIRCHHOFF Ecotec, FAUN oder ZOELLER tätig sind, wie Handelsvertreter, Berater und andere Geschäftspartner, den Verhaltenskodex einzuhalten.
Wenn lokale Gesetze oder interne Regelungen gegenüber der der KIRCHHOFF Ecotec SE umfassendere Vorgaben machen, als die im Verhaltenskodex festgelegten, haben diese Vorrang und müssen befolgt werden. Es liegt in der Verantwortung des Mitarbeiters, diesen Verhaltenskodex zu kennen und zu verstehen, ebenso wie die Gesetze, die bei der Ausführung seiner Tätigkeit gelten, und diese Gesetzmäßigkeiten in Wort und Sinn zu befolgen.
All managers at KIRCHHOFF Ecotec act as role models in complying with the Code of Conduct. Managers are obliged to inform their subordinates about the Code of Conduct and to encourage and monitor their compliance with the Code of Conduct.
If you have any questions or require advice regarding the content, interpretation or application of this Code of Conduct, please contact your line manager.
Non-compliance with this Code of Conduct will not be tolerated and may result in disciplinary action by the employer.
All employees are requested to take immediate action if they are confronted with a violation of this Code of Conduct. These cases can be reported to the direct superior or the members of the Ethics Committee.
Corporate integrity
Bribery and corruption
We refuse to offer, make or receive bribes or unlawful payments or to engage in corrupt behaviour in any way, whether directly or through third parties.
Assets of the company
Wir respektieren und schützen das Eigentum und die Mittel der KIRCHHOFF Ecotec SE, sowohl materiell als auch immateriell, und nutzen sie nicht für unrechtmäßige Zwecke.
We take a long-term view in our entrepreneurial endeavours. Our aim is to increase the company's assets.
Gifts and hospitality
We ensure that business-related gifts, meals or entertainment are appropriate and we never offer or accept them if they could improperly influence a business decision or compromise our independence or judgement.
Conflicts of interest
Wir versuchen, Situationen zu meiden, in denen unsere persönlichen Interessen oder Handlungen mit den Zielen von KIRCHHOFF Ecotec SE in Konflikt stehen könnten oder in Konflikt zu sein scheinen.
Wir bekennen uns zu einem intelligenten Wettbewerb, der auf Preis, Qualität und Service basiert und suchen unseren Wettbewerbsvorteil ausschließlich durch legale Mittel. Wir führen den Wettbewerb mit dem Ziel, das Vermögen des Gesamtunternehmens KIRCHHOFF Ecotec SE zu vergrößern.
Communication and reporting
We provide information about the company promptly and accurately. We provide relevant and not misleading information. We ensure that our financial and other reports and records are complete and accurate. We ensure honest, transparent and reliable reporting - both in internal and external communication.
Confidential information
We keep confidential information safe and prevent it from falling into the wrong hands. We respect the property rights of internal and external business partners.
Third parties, commercial agents and suppliers
We only conclude contracts with commercial agents, representatives of third parties or suppliers if their standards of behaviour comply with our Code.
Diversity, fair treatment and labour standards
We treat all people equally and accept differences. We comply with labour standards and respect freedom of association
Human rights
We protect and respect human rights.
We respect and protect everyone's privacy and comply with data protection and privacy laws.
Harassment and discrimination
We do not tolerate harassment or discrimination against people who work for or with us.
Health & Safety
The safety and health of the people who work for or with us is our top priority.
Role in society
We are committed to environmental protection and take responsibility for continuously improving environmental protection.
We fulfil high standards of quality and product safety and are committed to producing the highest quality and safest products.
We always treat our internal and external customers with respect.
Our ultimate goal is to satisfy our internal and external customers in terms of quality, costs and service. We are constantly working to improve internal and external customer satisfaction.
We develop innovative products, technologies and processes that serve society.
We respect the community around us, get involved in social issues, participate in public debates and maintain an active dialogue with our shareholders.
Lobbying and sponsoring
We participate in legitimate national and international policy-making activities. Our sponsorship is transparent.
Whistleblower system
Our corporate culture is characterised by responsibility and mutual respect towards our employees and business partners. Compliance with laws and internal regulations is a top priority. We rely on potential violations of laws, internal regulations and human rights or environmental risks being reported to us immediately so that we can rectify irregularities without delay and thus effectively avert damage to the KIRCHHOFF ECOTEC Group, our employees and business partners.
For this there is a Whistleblower system (data protection information) are available. If there is a suspicion of possible violations of laws or internal regulations committed by employees in connection with their employment or contractual partners along the value chain, these can be reported via the e-mail address compliance(at)zoeller-kipper.de or the compliance telephone number +49 (0) 6131 887-270. You will receive a written confirmation of receipt from us within seven days.
We guarantee that your concerns will be handled confidentially. Necessary remedial measures are defined and implemented in the course of processing the report. Any information received will be analysed as part of the regular analysis with the decision-makers in the company under the protection of confidentiality. The entire process is documented according to a specified standard.